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Product Information : ✅ $250 Limit, Can change Currency - Timezone - Country, No warranty drop limit Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ✅ Warranty support for accounts stuck in a checkpoint (unable to unlock) within 8 hours, need backup admin after receive ✅ Warranty Drop Limit when change infor ad account ❌ No Warranty Drop Limit when adding card ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details ❌ NO warranty for ad accounts that are dead due to sharing or admin kicking
Product Information : ✅ $250 Limit, Currency USD, Time zone -7, Country US Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ✅ Warranty support for accounts stuck in a checkpoint (unable to unlock) within 8 hours, need backup admin after receive ✅ Warranty drop limit( No warranty for drop daily limit because ad account not complying with Advertising Policies), 2 days warranty from purchased time ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details
- IP: USA - CPU: 4 Core - Ram: 8 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 60GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly
UID|PASS|2FA|COKIE|TOKEN|MAIL- chỉ bảo hành sai pass ,2fa-test kĩ trước khi mua sll
CÓ SKIP 7 DAYS Tên US Random IP Ngoại Định dạng : Mail | Pass Mail | Refresh Token | Client ID (Sử dụng IP Việt + Đọc qua OAUTH2 . Để tránh bị quét không sử dụng 1 IP cho nhiều mail )