Acc Trắng, tạo trên IP UK, location UK, có tính năng BKT - Tạo đc 1 Tuần
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Format: UID|password|cookie|email|emailpw|rcv email Account no have 2FA, should use cookie for easy login
UID|PASS|2FA|MAIL|PASS MAIL|refresh_token- test thật kĩ trước khi mua sll
UID|PASS|2FA|MAIL|PASS MAIL|refresh_token- test thật kĩ trước khi mua sll
Format: UID | password | 2FA | email | email password | recovery email|Cookies Friend >20 No Warranty Checkpoint Phone
Friend 1000-5000 No2fa - Information changed 30 days ++ Warranty 12h after sell
Warranty CP Phone 12h UID|Pass|cookies|email|passemail|MailKP