Bảo hành link nhận 24h - Warranty for receive link in 24h
Chỉ bảo hành check live bm- Only warranty for check live bm
Please log in to use this function
Please log in to use this function
- Share the employee access link to the BM (Business Manager) and the admin rights of the ad account within the BM - Use live ads via to get the BM link and use the ad account - If the customer needs to use a pixel, they can send the pixel through our BM to be assigned to the ad account. - Added card and have 1 bill - Warranty Drop Limit 72h - Warranty die Central BM (BM nolimit owned ads) in 24h (only for unused ads account) - Warranty central bm backed by fb in 24h - Ads account CAN NOT change Currency - Timezone - Country - - Ads account info: USD +-7, US/PH - Not allow to use stolen creditcard - if any one used stolen creditcard we will take all your ads account back
Format: Email|email password| Recovery email Note: Use mailtula.com for get recovery email code
CÓ SKIP 7 DAYS Tên US Random IP Ngoại Định dạng : Mail | Pass Mail | Refresh Token | Client ID (Sử dụng IP Việt + Đọc qua OAUTH2 . Để tránh bị quét không sử dụng 1 IP cho nhiều mail )
Product Information : ✅ $250 Limit, Can change Currency - Timezone - Country, No warranty drop limit Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ✅ Warranty support for accounts stuck in a checkpoint (unable to unlock) within 8 hours, need backup admin after receive ✅ Warranty Drop Limit when change infor ad account ❌ No Warranty Drop Limit when adding card ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details ❌ NO warranty for ad accounts that are dead due to sharing or admin kicking
Format: UID | password | 2FA | email | email password | recovery email....
CLONE Verify Mail 30-200+ Friend 2FA Profile/Cover post like share like real hàng để nuôi Spam khoẻ