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Product Information : ✅ $250 Limit, Can change Currency - Timezone - Country, No warranty drop limit Warranty Policy: ✅ Warranty Covers First-Time Login ✅ Warranty support for accounts stuck in a checkpoint (unable to unlock) within 8 hours, need backup admin after receive ✅ Warranty Drop Limit when change infor ad account ❌ No Warranty Drop Limit when adding card ❌ No warranty for any cases related to password resets via email. ❌ No warranty applies if any issues occur due to changes made to the account details ❌ NO warranty for ad accounts that are dead due to sharing or admin kicking
Warranty Drop Limit 72h - Bao tụt limit 72h Warranty Central BM Dead in 48h (no warranty for used ads account) Warranty back 10 days - Bao back 10 ngày Can change currency, time zone and nation Not allow to use stolen creditcard - if any one used stolen creditcard we will take all your ads account back
UID|PASS|2FA|MAIL|PASS MAIL|refresh_token- test thật kĩ trước khi mua sll
✅ Verified through Facebook’s election identity verification process during elections in certain countries (e.g., the US, EU, etc.). • ✅ Higher trust score, making it less likely to get checkpointed when logging in from new locations or devices. • ✅ Better stability for advertising and business activities. • ✅ Link Check : https://www.facebook.com/id/hub • ✅ Download IDcard: https://secretboxx.online
Account search top easier for building up