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Fanpage US-UK cổ (2015-2020) Profile scan tên ngoại ( random quốc gia, out full qtv) - Old Profile Fanpage (Created date 2015-2020)

Available: 2.008
Sold: 0

Contact admin for rename fanpage - Liên hệ admin để đổi tên fanpage
Please request administrator exit page after received - Hãy yêu cầu admin out page sau khi nhận

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BM5 created full 5 ads account limti 50-100$, ads account get high rate increase limit up to 250$ after spend

Ads account after created can be down limit (50-100$), but after use it will increase to limit 250$ and more Should share as employee permission then update to admin permission after receive to avoid die BM Warranty die BM without run ads/add card/ create ads account 12h warranty from purchased time Contact admin for update admin permission and leave all BM admin BM5 create ads account have limit 100 : Discount 40% for that BM or Replace other BM ( 3 days from purchased time)

Limit 250$ ads account has a bill share link employee ( - 7 time zone, currency USD) (Form id ads| link employee bm)

- Share the employee access link to the BM (Business Manager) and the admin rights of the ad account within the BM - Use live ads via to get the BM link and use the ad account - If the customer needs to use a pixel, they can send the pixel through our BM to be assigned to the ad account. - Added card and have 1 bill  - Warranty Drop Limit 72h  - Warranty die Central BM (BM owned ads) in 12h (only warranty for unused ads account) - Warranty central bm backed by fb in 7 days - Ads account CAN NOT change Currency - Timezone - Country - - Ads account info: USD, time zone +-7 - Not allow to use stolen creditcard - if any one used stolen creditcard we will take all your ads account back

Pure Colombia Account full profile 2FA UID 1000xx (2010-2023)

Format: UID | password | 2FA | email | email password | recovery email....


UID|PASS|COKIE|TOKEN-log cokie để sử dụng