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VPS TL2 CPU: 2 Core - Ram: 4Gb - Disk: 40 Gb - Location IP: USA (Gói thuê bao 30 ngày - 30 days use)

- IP: USA - CPU: 2 Core - Ram: 4 GB - Disk (Dung lượng đĩa): 40GB - Transferlimit (Băng thông): 10000 GB<br> Bảo hành trong suốt quá trình sử dụng - Warranty life time active VPS ổn định có thể gia hạn hàng tháng - Stable VPS renewable monthly

OLD FANPAGE (2016-2021), have OLD post - Fanpage cổ (2016-2021) scan (LỌC CÓ POST CỔ)

Contact admin for rename fanpage - Liên hệ admin để đổi tên fanpage Please request administrator exit page after received - Hãy yêu cầu admin out page sau khi nhận

Unlimited ads account has a bill share link employee ( -7 time zone, currency USD, PH/US)

- Share the employee access link to the BM (Business Manager) and the admin rights of the ad account within the BM - Use live ads via to get the BM link and use the ad account - If the customer needs to use a pixel, they can send the pixel through our BM to be assigned to the ad account. - Added card and have 1 bill  - Warranty Drop Limit 72h  - Warranty die Central BM (BM nolimit owned ads) in 24h (only for unused ads account) - Warranty central bm backed by fb in 24h - Ads account CAN NOT change Currency - Timezone - Country - - Ads account info: USD +-7, US/PH - Not allow to use stolen creditcard - if any one used stolen creditcard we will take all your ads account back

BC3 Tiền Vnd. Trả trước

Target Được Việt Nam Info Việt.Tiền VNĐ Đã tạo sẵn 3 tài khoản. Login mail: https://mail.tm/ Bảo hành đổi trả trong ngày <p style=\\"color: red;\\">Thay đổi email và mật khẩu sau khi mua, Mọi mất mát về tài khoản sau khi khách hàng mua phải tự chịu trách nhiệm! </p>

Full via siêu cổ ID Ngắn 2FA (2007-2010) - Very Old account SHORT ID (2007-2010) Personal ads account Full profile 2FA

Personal account created years: 2007-2010 UID|Pass|2FA|email|passemail|RCV mail Friend > 30

Super Old BM350 (2018-2021) have created 1 old ads account (Can create upto 3 ads account after spending - starter limit is 50$)

Created years: 2018-2021 BM350 is BM can share pixel, can create up to 2 more ads account after spending Starter ads limit 50 USD Must get employee permission link when you invite other admin to avoid die bm, no warranty for the case get admin permission link Warranty for receive link in 24h  Only warranty for check live bm Please contact admin to leave all admin