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Facebook Audience Network

Facebook Audience Network

Author: Admin Tuan Ngày viết: 2024-03-19 11:20:38

The need for advertising is increasing and it is almost impossible to eliminate it from every business's marketing activities. Therefore, understanding and properly implementing advertising methods is the best way for you to reach the right audience and stimulate their interest and use of your products/services. Facebook Audience Network is one of the effective ways of advertising, this network allows partners to make money through huge user data from Facebook. Through this article, we will provide specific instructions on this concept, as well as notes you need to know before launching ads on Facebook Audience Network . 

1. What is Facebook Audience Network?

Facebook Audience Network (abbreviated as FAN), also known as Facebook's smart object network, is used to display Facebook ads on Android or IOS. Launched in 2014, FAN allows partners to use Facebook's user audience data to advertise on third-party websites or applications.

What is facebook audience network?

Businesses can freely choose the advertising format they like and transmit it to many customers in mobile applications. Typical examples of FAN activities are small banners or pop-ups on mobile applications. Therefore, even if users do not use Facebook, advertisers can still reach them and increase the opportunity to earn more income for application publishers when allowing advertising. 

2. Why should you use Facebook Audience Network?

Facebook audience network benefits

2.1. For application publishers

Developers are allowed to filter ads or ad categories, depending on the evaluation criteria. Facebook Audience Network also supports the delivery of ads for each application and calculates income payments to developers.

In addition, FAN also grants publishers the right to monitor advertising, through evaluating and measuring clicks, reporting according to specific time frames, and estimating achieved revenue.

Although it works the same way as Google Adsense , Facebook Audience Network only allows advertising on mobile devices. But Facebook itself owns a very large user database, diverse in customer targets, becoming a valuable "gold mine" for many publishers and application developers.

2.2. For advertisers

The highlight of Facebook Audience Network is that it can bring ads to users even though they may have never used Facebook. Thanks to Facebook data collected from third-party websites and applications, if advertisers guide users well, achieve high conversion rates and interaction levels, advertisers will significantly save costs. let go.

This means that you can completely expand the scope of your advertising campaign, increase its popularity to more people, and increase the density of advertising displays to the right audience in the niche market.

According to statistics, ads distributed on Facebook Audience Network have a click-through rate 65% higher than the old trend on Facebook. Therefore, there is a high possibility that users will download it and increase revenue for advertisers.

Compared to the cost of Facebook Ads, the cost that businesses have to pay to display ads through FAN is 72% lower. On the other hand, 80% of FAN's visible audience are local people.

When users interact with an advertisement on FAN, such as clicking on a banner on the application, they will be taken directly to the address that the business has installed. Therefore, the user experience process happens faster.

Facebook uses Advertiser Outcome Score (AOS - Advertiser Outcome Score) to improve content on Facebook Audience Network. This is feedback provided to publishers, similar to an advertising position measurement and evaluation system, it also brings great efficiency to advertisers.

3. How does Facebook Audience Network work?

How Facebook Audience Network works

There are 5 typical ways of operating as follows:

  • Distribute ads on websites and applications from 3rd parties to the right audience, upgrading user experience. Based on your advertising goals, such as traffic, conversions, app installs, interactions, product category sales, and video views, you can easily choose which network to use. advertising position.
  • Flexible advertising format: ads are diverse in form. Among them, the two highest performing formats are native video and interstitials, such as dynamic product ads, carousels or click-to-play videos.
  • Provides tools designed to enhance the advertising experience relevant to the publisher's app or website.
  • Support for making money on Facebook : Facebook has analyzed, searched for customers, targeted, measured, paid corresponding fees for the application and displayed ads on the developer's website or application. The developer's job is to embed small code to link with Facebook Audience Network and create the desired advertising product.
  • Advanced reporting tools: detailed and accurate tracking and measurement of metrics in advertising campaigns.

4. Advantages and disadvantages of running ads on Facebook Audience Network

4.1. Advantage

  • Huge demographic data warehouse: It will be difficult for any internet company to understand what you want like Facebook. Benefiting from this, FAN can deliver ads to the right people, increase interaction with advertisers as well as enhance user experience.
  • Easy setup: Facebook advertising targeting features such as Look-alike Audiences, Custom Audiences, Core Audiences help users set up and reach the right potential customers. Thereby, the targeting rate also increases, maximizing costs and bringing higher profits to businesses.
  • Customize the display and delivery of ads: Publishers have full rights to customize the display of ads on content, as well as exclude ads that are not suitable for them. You identify customers through personal information, interests, geography or behavior, and Facebook Audience Network will display accurate ads to the most potential customers.
  • Reach and conversion rate: Facebook Audience Network ad campaigns reach 16% more than Facebook ads alone. At the same time, the user conversion rate when viewing ads on FAN is also 8 times higher than those who only see ads on Facebook.
  • Average impression: 6 -10% more ad impressions per campaign.
  • Easy to deploy and doesn't take much effort: Facebook can rely on the ads you already have, to render the appropriate size for each location you want.

Private policies and benefits:

  • Developers and publishers: Earn money from placing ads on websites or apps. They are allowed to filter ad display content, share administrative rights, and monitor ads through statistical tools.
  • Advertisers: Reach the right target audience, increase high conversion rates with lower bids compared to old Facebook advertising trends.
  • Facebook users: Facebook Audience Network's native ad format provides a better and less frustrating user experience. Users themselves can limit the display of ads, by activating "Opt out of ads" on Android and "Limit ad tracking" on iOS.

4.2. Defect

Unlike Google Display Network (GDN) , FAN will randomly display your ads to each website or application. Therefore, you won't know exactly what content will be displayed next to your ad.

This will be really difficult to control for some brands with specific requirements for advertising posts, you need to consider carefully before deciding to activate Facebook Audience Network.

You can't limit the number of times your ad appears per day or per week. This can cause user discomfort about that ad, if the frequency it displays is too frequent for them. Therefore, advertising on Newsfeed will have an advantage, as it can limit your display frequency.

5. Notes when running ads on Facebook Audience Network

5.1. Supported advertising objectives

Currently, Facebook Audience Network supports the following advertising objectives:

  • Brand awareness (video only)
  • Reach (video only)
  • Traffic
  • Number of interactions (video only)
  • App installs
  • Video views (video only)
  • Conversions
  • Sales by category

5.2. Supported ad formats

Facebook Audience Network supports 3 main ad formats, including images, videos and carousels. Note that if the advertising objective is different, the ad placements and available formats will also be different.

facebook audience network ad format

Video ad parameters for Audience Network advertisers

In-stream video

  • Format: Single video, not carousel format for video
  • Ratio: 16:9 (recommended ratio) or 1:1
  • Duration: 5-120 seconds (automatic placement), 30 second limit (online format)
  • Skippability: Ads of 30 seconds or less are not skippable. Ads longer than 30 seconds are skipped after viewing for 10 seconds
  • Audio: Required
  • Objective: Online advertising or combined with online video on Facebook only focuses on video views. Automatic advertising chooses the target number of video views, number of people reached, level of brand awareness, and level of interaction with the article.

Natural and inserted between

  • Format: Single video, not carousel format for video
  • Ratio: 9:16 – 16:9
  • Duration: 0-120 seconds
  • Skipability: At 3 seconds or 6 seconds, depending on the poster
  • Sound: Should be there
  • Goals: Video views, reach, post engagement or brand awareness, conversions, traffic, app downloads and category sales.

Video with rewards

  • Format: Single video, not carousel format for video
  • Ratio: 9:16 – 16:9
  • Duration: 0-30 seconds
  • Skipability: Cannot be skipped
  • Sound: Should be there
  • Goal: Mobile app conversions or installs

6. How to create Facebook Audience Network ads

Select Open Ads Manager .

Select Create ad .

Select a target that meets the conditions for use in FAN.

At the Ad group level , add your audience and targeting options and click Edit placements .

facebook audience network ad placement

Select Facebook Audience Network

Select the device type from the following options: All devices (Recommended), Mobile, Desktop.

Select that menu on Facebook Audience Network to see all placement options:

  • Native ads, banner ads, and interstitial ads.
  • In-stream video: video ads before and during video content.
  • Rewarded video: video ads while people are using the game app; They will receive a reward for watching the entire video.

facebook audience network ad format 2

Add budget, schedule and ad content.

Select Confirm in Ads Manager to complete your ad setup.

7. Conclusion

Overall, Facebook Audience Network is currently a fairly stable way to generate profits for advertisers. To maximize advertising activities, Facebook has proposed different price levels, helping you flexibly allocate your budget based on advertising performance. If you own information about a certain audience group, your advertising goals are relatively more specific, now you can fully take advantage of FAN to launch it.

However, to avoid the risks of becoming a nuisance to users, you need to regularly monitor the frequency of ad displays, as well as balance the performance of each network being accessed. Besides, you should not only learn about Facebook Audience Network, but also evaluate all forms of advertising available on the market, to find your own competitive advantage.


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