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Instructions for running the latest Facebook conversion ads

Instructions for running the latest Facebook conversion ads

Author: Admin Tuan Ngày viết: 2024-03-19 11:37:23

Facebook is not only the largest social networking platform currently but also an effective advertising tool for users. In this article, we will explore How to run Conversion Ads on Facebook, helping businesses improve performance and increase sales.

1. What is Facebook Conversion Ads?

Conversion ads are a form of advertising that creates an interactive experience for viewers: clicking and visiting a website or app contained within an ad display. The page will then encourage visitors to take the desired action. such as: registration, purchase, download, texting,...

Facebook Conversion Ads

Facebook Conversion Ads

The way to recognize a conversion ad is that the ad will have a link that directs customers to the website or landing page. Conversions include:

  • Number of customers filling out information in the form.
  • Number of products added to cart.
  • Product views.
  • Purchases (most commonly used conversion type).

2. Should I run conversion ads or not?

2.1 Advantages

 2.1.1 Reach suitable customers

With Facebook, users have the opportunity to reach target customers in detail based on diverse criteria such as interests, behavior, demographics, age, connections, geographical location, and even the language used. Thanks to that, users have the ability to create effective campaigns targeting Facebook audiences . The ability to layer and combine targeting criteria on Facebook helps businesses eliminate groups of users who do not belong to the target market, optimizing resources and advertising budgets. This not only enhances the effectiveness of advertising but also reduces unnecessary costs.

Over the past few years, we've seen a change in the way Facebook displays content from business pages, making it difficult to reach customers organically through posts. However, with conversion advertising, advertisers can overcome this barrier and reach a large number of potential customers effectively. 

2.1.2 Measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns

Measuring advertising campaign effectiveness is not only an important factor but also the key to optimizing marketing strategies. Modern advertising platforms provide reporting and analysis on advertising performance, helping businesses evaluate results in a detailed and scientific way. Unlike before, now you don't need to make complicated assumptions about your advertising campaign. Conversion rates and other statistics are displayed. The platform's Ads Manager helps you save time and analyze data to determine the next direction for your strategy. Every important metric about weekly reach, post engagement, page likes, and detailed performance of each post is laid out clearly. More importantly, thanks to statistics, adjusting advertising campaigns becomes easy. You can flexibly refine your goals, content, and budget based on real-world data. 

2.1.3 Optimize advertising budget 

In advertising campaigns, especially on Facebook, appropriate targeting is becoming the key to determining whether an advertising campaign is successful or not. To help businesses save money, Facebook's advanced advertising tools help improve click-through rates (CTR), thereby increasing conversions at a low cost. One of the notable benefits is the steady growth of CTR rates on Facebook thanks to continuous improvements in targeting and creative in advertising. This means business owners can achieve impressive results at lower costs than before.

To optimize advertising budgets, business owners need to not only understand targeting capabilities but also apply creative strategies. The flexible combination of target audience definition and content creation helps optimize every advertising campaign, while minimizing costs and increasing conversions.

2.2 Disadvantages

While conversion advertising offers many benefits, like every strategy, it also comes with its own drawbacks and challenges. Here are two important drawbacks to consider when implementing a conversion advertising campaign.

  • Complicated and Picky Implementation Steps: Conversion advertising sometimes requires more complex implementation steps than traditional advertising strategies. Having to identify the right audience, optimize content, and set up media in the right direction can be a time-consuming process and requires in-depth knowledge of advertising platforms. Therefore, it can create challenges for inexperienced workers, as well as require high professionalism during the implementation process.
  • Requires More Resources: Conversion ads typically require more resources than other forms of advertising. Concretizing strategy, tracking and analyzing data requires special attention and modern tools. That means businesses need to invest more in resources, both in terms of personnel and technology, to maintain and manage an effective conversion advertising campaign.

3. How to optimize advertising conversion?

3.1 Facebook's machine learning phase

Each time an ad is displayed, the Facebook system automatically adjusts and improves its display strategy based on the latest information. This process works by using data about user behavior, based on their interactions with content on the Facebook platform. Including tracking people who have interacted with the business's website or shown special interest in products or services. 

The goal of the machine learning phase is not only to optimize ad display accurately, but also to find the most suitable customer group. Each time an ad appears, the system will integrate the latest information to continuously improve the ability to predict the ad's location and audience. The machine learning phase will continue until the advertising campaign reaches 50 goals. This means that the system has achieved optimization in ad display, while improving performance and conversion. The flexibility and adaptability of the machine learning stage helps businesses maintain effective advertising strategies in an increasingly diverse and changing business environment.

3.2 The conversion advertising phase begins to stabilize

After the machine learning phase ends, Facebook moves into a plateau phase in showing conversion ads. During this stage, Facebook focuses on reaching a group of potential customers based on people who have completed previous goals. This means that, based on data from people who have taken actions such as page registrations and successful purchases, Facebook will find common demographic characteristics, interests, behavior, age and sex.

By analyzing and gathering this information, Facebook will show your ads to people with similar characteristics. This process helps optimize advertising campaigns accurately and effectively, while increasing the chances of higher conversions.

What is important during this phase is regular monitoring and continuous adjustment. This includes optimizing ad content and adjusting targeting criteria to ensure ads are most effective. Facebook conversion advertising requires attention to detail and quick response to changes in user behavior, keeping campaigns optimal and reaching maximum targets.

4. Prepare before running Facebook conversion ads

4.1 Prepare website and Landing page

You need to have a high quality website and landing page. Landing pages are a key element in conversion advertising. This is a standalone website designed with the specific purpose of motivating customers to make a purchase or take another specific action. An effective landing page must be clear, attractive, and focused on the goal of motivating users to take the desired action.

Prepare website and Landing page

Prepare website and Landing page

When it comes to landing page design, you have many options. One of the popular and effective ways is to use professional web making services. If you want to handle it yourself, WordPress is a great choice because of its ease of use. With plugins like Elementor or Thrive Theme, creating and customizing landing pages is easier than ever. Both offer built-in features that allow for quick and efficient landing page design.

In addition, in Vietnam, Landing Page is also a popular application used by many people in designing landing pages. This app offers many built-in features and designs, making it easy for you to create landing pages that fit your advertising strategy.

4.2 Create Pixel and install it on Landing page

To create Pixel you can refer to steps such as:

Step 1: Go to ads manager > Select the square symbol to open the shortcut menu > select the “business settings” tab in the shortcuts section or “Business management” section and select Pixel.

Select Pixels

Select Pixels

Step 2: Name the Pixel according to the syntax "Pixel of [Your name] + link to the Landing Page where you want to collect customer behavior".

Name the Pixel

Name the Pixel

Step 3: Select “Set up Pixel now”.

Select “Set up Pixel now”

Select “Set up Pixel now”

Step 4: Choose to add manual code.

Select add manual code.

Select add manual code.

Step 5: Copy the code to attach to your landing page.

Copy the code to attach to the landing page

Copy the code to attach to the Landing page

Step 6: Paste the code into the “Facebook Pixel ID” section.

Paste the code into the “Facebook Pixel ID” section

5. Detailed instructions for running Facebook conversion ads

Go to Facebook Ads Manager > Select the “Conversion” ad objective. 

Choose your advertising objective

Choose your advertising objective

Step 2: Name the campaign so it's easy to remember and manage. For example, campaign date _product name_target. Scroll down if you want to set campaign budget

Name the campaign

Name the campaign

Step 3: In the ad group, scroll down to the Pixel section "Conversion events" and select the conversion goal that matches your advertising campaign goals.

Step 4: Select the conversion method as Website. You will use the URL of the landing page you made earlier.

Enter Website URL

Enter Website URL

Step 5: Select the Pixel you want to collect information for the campaign. 

Note: 1 account can add multiple Pixel IDs. Each ID should only collect 1 certain product.

6. Notes on running effective conversion ads?

For conversion advertising to be effective, you need to keep in mind:

  • There needs to be an intermediary step (for example, a website or landing page) to connect with the ad.
  • Determine specific and appropriate goals and budgets for each goal. Otherwise, the investment in advertising will become wasted and useless.
  • Create engaging content and images.
  • Always monitor campaign performance metrics in real time, to adjust and design timely solutions.

7. Conclusion

Accnice hopes that through this article you can be successful in setting up Facebook conversion ads . However, to be successful in the field of digital advertising, businesses need to understand and understand how it works to achieve the best results in their advertising campaigns. 


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